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How I built my portfolio with Astro

August 30, 2022 · 3 min read

I’m passionate about web development, especially the frontend tools. I spent a lot of time doing some experiment with some of the most popular frontend UI frameworks. Among of those, my favorite choice are so far React and Svelte.

After playing with code, I decided to make a portfolio website to advertise myself to potential employers. Now, I have to pick only one of two my favourite framework. I like React because of its powerful community with many third-party packages, and I also love the fun and simplicity of Svelte. It was a tough decision. What if I can use both of them in the same application? Luckily, I found Astro.

Why Astro?

Astro is a perfect candidate for my portfolio project, and here some reasons:

Other tools

Alongside with Astro, I also use other tools to aid my DX and make the website more beautiful.


Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework where you can quickly style the component with predefined class names. Normally, I found styling components is a slow and painful experience. However, Tailwind is easy to learn and can quickly speed up the development process. Tailwind also provides more benefits such as


MDX is the extension of markdown file, allows us to use JSX elements in markdown. MDX also integrate with Astro via @astrojs/mdx

Markdown is great format to quickly compose a blog post, but sometimes I want to include some interactivity within the blog post, like my favourite website Brilliant. The JSX supports for MDX allows me to add visualization for better explaining the concepts and make the post more unique and compelling.


Vercel is a deployment platform for frontend developers.

Recently, I migrated all my web projects to Vercel, and love how easy it is to deploy my apps. Whenever I push the code the main branch, Vercel will automatically deploy my apps with the GitHub integration tool. This helps me focus more building the app while Vercel is taking care the complexity of deployment pipeline.