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Visualizing sorting algorithms

September 2, 2022 · 2 min read


Sorting problem are classic introductory topic for any first-year computer science. The algorithms are little bit intimidated at the first place, but they introduce a variety of interesting concepts to guide students to think like programmers for better problem-solving.

My goal here is to create a tool to visualize sorting algorithms. I hope a clear visualization can aid student to understand these algorithms. There are a lot of website for visualizing algorithms. In fact, I already made a website for that purpose. Most of them are just standalone websites. However, my challenge is to integrate the visualization within the blog post.

As mention on the previous blog, I use the MDX format compose the blog posts. MDX allow us to inject the JSX elements inside the markdown files. For the implementation, I choose Svelte to embed interactivity within the blog post because its simplicity.


The visualizer supports these features below

Tools I use